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The Coach and the Purple Couch

Make a Choice and a Change

The Greek philosopher, Epictetus, stated “first say to yourself what you will be; and then do what you have to do.” This is one of greatest formulas to success. I refer to this saying as a formula because it has several different parts; each part depending on the other parts. When I ask a client “what do you want?” I often times realize that they don’t really know what they want. Having a vague and misty concept of what you want will not get you what you want. Making statements such as “I want to be happy” is not knowing what you want. What is happy? What does that look like? How will you know when you are there? If a business is what you want; what kind? Want a spouse? Really? Are you prepared to merge your life in with the life of someone else? Success is not a secret…it is a system! If you are going to work your system effectively you must have a formula…here we go:

Talk to yourself! It is your voice that will move you faster than any other voice. Don’t wait for someone to agree with you or encourage you. ENCOURAGE YOURSELF! Talk to yourself like you would talk to a dear friend about their ambitions. Talk loudly to yourself (I mean, when no one else is around; the bathroom mirror is a great place to start). You will find that a wealth of ideas regarding what you want will begin to spring forward in your mind.

Make a choice. Decide what you want. Live and in color! Think of every aspect of what you want. Make it as real to you as if you were already there. Make a choice for yourself first! Many times we try to make a choice for the fifteen other people in our lives. That’s not making a choice, that’s starting a project! Get clear about the thing you desire. Write it down…study it.

Do what you have to do! Once you have decided what you want, get busy. Most people fail because they are afraid of being tired, afraid of being disappointed or failing. If you fail, so what. What did you learn? Take your lessons and get back in the game. Many a great man and woman have failed on the way to their dreams but they got back up and got back in. When you have what you want buried inside of you and you have thought about it, talked to yourself about it and encouraged yourself that it’s possible quitting is not an option. Keep going! Yep, people are going to talk about you. News flash…they’re talking about you now and you don’t have what you want so imagine the conversation when you’re opening that new business, driving the new car, married to the spouse of your dreams or living in the new home. Make a choice and make a change. Your new life awaits.

I love ya,

Coach Vernissa

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